3 Ağustos 2012 Cuma

daha guzeli varmis, daha dogrusu eksik aktarmisim sizlere.

Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile.

Sanat* uzun, hayat kisa, firsatlar gecici, deneyimler aldatici, karar vermek zor.

(sanat, tip ya da hekimlik demekmis)

ne varsa eski topraklarda var, ben bunu bilir bunu soylerim.

vita brevis dostlar, vita brevis.

agzindan cikan her kelimeyi not almak istedigim muhtesem hocam dun ayrilirken bunu soyledi bize. yaninda, universite yillarindan arkadasi vardi, ikisinin de altmisli yaslarda oldugunu tahmin ediyorum. teker teker masadan kalkiyorduk, kalkmak istemedim, son dakikaya kadar da oturdum. o son anlardan birinde dedevari kahkasini atti, arkadasina dondu- hayat kisa degil mi? hayat kisa dedi, bir daha guldu, ve (bence) bana bakip "zaman kaybetmeyin" dedi.

bu ani kafama kazimaya calisiyorum. gozunu kapayip acincaya kadar altmis yasinda olacagina gercekten inansa insan, hayatini hic karmasik hale getirmeye ugrasmaz, kendini ayagindan vurmaz. zaman kaybetmez, degil mi?

2 Ağustos 2012 Perşembe


Now that I have some English-speaking followers (hey!) I might as well write some of my entries in English. Just a warning, I can't be held responsible for grammar or any other "official" stuff on my own blog- I don't even bother in Turkish. Merci beaucoup.

Having said that... I'm pulling an all-nighter guys. It's fun. I like it. Like it like it like it. No, I'm not having a delirium because my lack of sleep, thank you very much. But seriously, I'm now looking outside my window on the Dalmatian coast, it's pretty tranquil outside and all you can hear is the midget owl's hoo hoo's. How cool is that?

Today I was in such a good mood that my mom... thought I was drunk when we skyped. Fyi, no, I was not drunk at all! Yet good company and a good meal seem to have the same effect. I had a wonderful dinner with my summer session professor and fellow students. I realized I would very much miss having intellectual conversations with him. I dare not compare my level with a great mind like him, of course. However, the mere chance to reach such depths- ah, that's bliss. For all we know, I say we stop doing all the trivial and superficial things we do everyday and devote ourselves to scholarship. Or, read the books of those who do that. That will do too.

Sigh... Ok, I will go back to my paper, if you insist.

Ciao bellas!